More Road Construction Coming to Bozeman
Jeff Krauss joined Tom and Shane for an update on planned road constructions in the greater Bozeman Area.
Work Starting on Rouse Improvements
We started with State Road 86 better known to some folks as Rouse Street. Trees are being removed along Rouse in preparation for the future improvements between Oak and Main St.
The beginning plan will be from Oak Street to Story Mill Rd. then in 2019 Oak to Main Street will complete that project.
This project will divert a lot of traffic off Rouse onto other arterials and lots of streets are going to get a lot more traffic for several months
Work Planned on Baxter
There will also be some improvements made to Baxter where it passes the Post Office. And another roundabout is planned at Ferguson and Durston.
Also, improvements are going to made around the new high school in coming months that effect traffic in that area.
“Traffic Calming?”
Bozeman also seems to have something that’s not a roundabout but a “traffic circle” and the government calls this “traffic calming.”
It’s designed to slow traffic through small neighborhoods with excessive traffic.
Callers also commented on the number of road signs we have on some of our streets.
Jeff, Shane and Tom all agreed that the blinking turn signals are accidents waiting to happen.
What’s wrong with a green left turn signal rather than flashing yellow? Who’s thinking this is a good idea?
All these ideas morphed into property taxes, and the services provided, and finished up with the Law & Justice Center options.
Jeff Krauss is a monthly guest on Open for Business so stay tuned to hear more of Jeff’s points of view on city government.