Attorney General Tim Fox Offers Thoughts Following Trooper’s Death
Montana Attorney General Tim Fox asked, "What do you say to the family of slain Broadwater County Deputy Mason Moore?"
Fox was preparing to meet with the family yesterday.
Fox said he has lost two law enforcement officers under his watch. He is feeling the toll. Is there something he could do as the chief law enforcement officer of Montana to make sure it doesn't happen again? That has to be going through his mind.
Fox is a Christian. His strong faith helps in these times. But no amount of faith can help him understand a senseless crime like the killing of an officer.
Every time a law enforcement office leaves for duty, he may not return.
'We all really need to appreciate each other in this short time we have together," Fox said. "Every time we say 'goodbye' to a friend or family member, it might be the last.”
Then the newly re-elected attorney general pointed out that even though it maybe a cliche it is still true: “We need to take time and smell the roses.”
Fox knows the best thing he can do for the slain officers family and the whole community is to stay strong and be supportive. He definitely doesn't want to do this again on “his watch.”