Missoula’s Heidi Kendall a Proponent For Stronger Background Checks On Gun Sales- Supports Proposed City Council Ordinance
Missoula’s Heidi Kendall, volunteer for the Montana chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, said the issue she sees as most problematic in keeping guns out of the wrong hands is that of inadequate background checks.
"What I have been working for is expanding background checks," Kendall said. "Because background checks are known to make communities safer. They help to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them, like terrorists and people with criminal records."
Kendall said there is a loophole in the Brady bill that can allow people to purchase guns without undergoing a background check.
"If you buy a gun in a gun store that has a federal firearms license, then you do go through a background check," she said. "Here's the background check loophole we talk about. It's that at gun shows and on the internet, guns can be purchased without a background check."
Kendall said a proposed ordinance is before the Missoula City Council to require a background check for guns sold in Missoula, and will be discussed further at a committee hearing on Wednesday morning.