Judge Russ Fagg, US Senate Candidate, joined Tom Egelhoff on Open for Business last Saturday for a spirited discussion on current affairs in Washington.

About US Senate Candidate Judge Russ Fagg

Judge Russ Fagg is a fourth-generation Montanan and attended school at Rimrock Elementary, Lincoln Junior High, and Billings Senior High School.

After being voted co-captain of the football team, Russ graduated and went to Whitman College, then to law school at the University of Montana.

Russ clerked for the Supreme Court, and then began practicing law. He ran for the Montana legislature and served two terms.

While serving there he met his wife Karen. They have twins, a son Harrison and daughter Barclay.

After working in private practice as an attorney, then serving as City Prosecutor and Deputy Yellowstone County Attorney, Russ decided to run for Judge. He won, and served for 20 years.

Now, Judge Fagg is stepping down from the bench and running for the Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate.

Topics Covered In The Interview

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was a hot topic with callers. Judge Fagg also listed some of the contrasts between himself and Senator Jon Tester whom he’ll run against should he win his parties primary nomination.

Being a judge prompted a discussion on the rule of law and the ways Washington seems to vary on the interpretation of those laws.

Listen to this informative interview below.

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