Has The Super Bowl Lost Its Luster?
I’ve missed two Super Bowls in my life. The first in 1967 while vacationing in the jungles of South Vietnam at the expense of Lyndon Johnson, and the second was last Sunday.
Why did I miss last Sunday’s game? Because I’ve been boycotting the NFL due to the lack of respect for the flag I fought for, and the NFL’s alleged refusal to run an ad asking people to stand for the National Anthem.
So I choose to not support that particular sports franchise. There are plenty of others waiting in line wanting me to spend my consumer dollars with them.
Four Hours of Hype?
I did a blog a few years ago on football and one of the things I discovered in my research was that during a 60-minute football game there is only an average of 11 minutes of actual playing time.
Most of the non-playing time is spent in huddles, moving chains, instant replays, penalties, time outs, getting up after the play, getting ready for the play, etc.
Apparently the game is not enough.
The Half Time Extravaganza
The two best teams in football playing each other in a particular year should rightfully attract some attention.
Yet, for some reason we find the need for a half hour in the middle of the game to drag out some has been talent that only about twenty-five percent of the audience has ever heard of along with several hundred dancers, musicians, and fireworks.
Not to mention the huge portable stage and make it all seem like a giant U2 concert with U2 sadly missing.
Amazing that a 30-minute half time show is needed for 5:30 minutes of football before and after it.
I guess when you put it in that perspective it makes more sense.
Some Final Thoughts
I’ve always been a sports fan. Baseball, basketball, football, I’ve played them all — Basketball at the college level.
So when you’ve actually played a game you have a better inside idea of why something is done the way it is on the field or court. You relate — you’ve been there.
But in this case, not seeing a really great game as it turned out, didn’t have much of an affect on me. I was happy to kick back, write some blogs, watch a couple of movies, and not give a second thought to the NFL hype.
So yes, the NFL and the Super Bowl have lost their luster with me. Especially when the hype exceeds the game. And then you trash your city. What say you?
Comments below.