Green Party vs. Democrats: Which Liberal Group Will Win?
Democrats want the Green Party off the 2018 election ballot. The fight is going to court. Democrats question the signatures of people on the Green Party petition. Emily Jones, who is the attorney for the secretary of state's office, said she was going to question whether Democrats have a right to sue over the signatures. Green Party officials said last week they intended to call people whose signatures were questioned that would testify they signed a petition.
Green Party attorney Quentin Rhoades said "Montana Green Party voters remain hopeful the state court will allow them to participate in this year's election." Rhoades went on to say, he didn't directly address the Democrats' allegations, but said if the Montana Green Party gets a fair chance to put on their case, they are confident they will prevail.
The Montana Democratic Party argued if Green Party candidates are on the ballot the party would have to spend more to convince voters to vote for Democrats over Green Party candidates.
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