Getting A Real Letter In The Mail Is Like Getting A Little Gift
Really, when was the last time you wrote a note or letter to a friend? Don't wait another minute. EVERYONE loves getting real letters in the mail.
My stationery collection is a little out of hand, like most of my "habits". (See the Fall Bulb Ordering Fiasco here.....) Even though I have less time these days to write as many letters and notes as I'd like, sitting down on a blustery day to put pen to paper is not only relaxing it's therapeutic.
It gives you the change to slow down and reflect on what's going on in your life. It also means a hell of a lot more to a friend than a text ever will. If you don't have time to write a full blown letter, grab that funny card that catches your eye and just SEND IT to someone.
It's easy. It's personal. It's a lost art.You can even create your own customized stationery online for added cool factor.
Good friends are hard to find. Treat yours with a little gift in the mail.