Department Of Justice Called To Investigate Suspicious Death
The Montana Department of Justice has been called in to investigate a suspicious death in Jefferson County.
Spokesman Eric Sell said the discovery of a body by the side of the road on Sunday led to a call from the sheriff of Jefferson County for the help of the Department of Criminal Investigations.
"At approximately 6:30 on Sunday morning, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office requested the Montana Department of Justice's Criminal Investigation Division to assist with a suspicious death of an adult female that was found by the side of the road near Jefferson City," Sell said. "A citizen discovered the body on Sunday morning, and they notified officials. An ambulance responded to the scene and contacted law enforcement. They made an assessment at the scene that the death was suspicious. We can't confirm the identity or the cause of death until after an autopsy has been conducted. We'll probably have more information by tomorrow. DCI is assisting Jefferson County in this investigation, nut we're also getting support from Lewis and Clark County Sheriff's Office, the Helena Police Department, Butte-Silver Bow law enforcement and the Montana Highway Patrol."
Sell explained why local law enforcement agencies call on the DCI for assistance.
"The DCI has resources and expertise that local county law enforcement may not have," he said. "In a suspicious death situation like this, counties will often call in the DCI to provide their expertise and help them out in areas where they may not have the personnel or technology to make an accurate assessment."
Based on the initial investigation, it has been determined that there is no immediate threat to the public.
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