The Bozeman City Commission passed a Community Climate Action Plan Monday night. Get ready for the Plastic Bag Fee.

Dan Boyce

A volunteer task force prepared the plan over the last 15 months. It lays out 39 suggestions for reducing Bozeman's Climate footprint. These range anywhere from hiring a new city sustainability coordinator to allowing citizens to opt out of receiving phone books.

Get all the information on the committee and it's goals here

Commissioners said passing the plan does not mean these suggestions will be put into place right away.

"We are going to take baby steps with each of these recommendations in a very public manner," Deputy Mayor Sean Becker said.

"If we want this place to prosper, then sustainability is the answer and this is a step in that direction," Commissioner Cindy Andrus said.

Mayor Jeff Krauss was the only commissioner to vote against the Climate Plan. He said he has issues with the cost and feels parts of the plan intrude upon personal freedoms. But Krauss also noted he does believe in climate change and humankind's role in causing it.


Read the full description of the climate action plan at 2011 Community Climate Action Plan

Bozeman City Commission had also previously passed a Municipal Climate Action Plan in 2009 that regulates the city related services to limit the amount of impact made on the environment by the city itself

What do you think of the Community Climate Action Plan?


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