Carl Pettit
10 Everyday Foods That Are Surprisingly Healthy
People are always trying to eat healthier or lose weight. The media sends out a constant onslaught of new information about what you should and shouldn’t eat.
What’s the Real Story Behind the Phrase ‘Pardon My French?’
When you tell someone, “please pardon my French,” you are in fact apologizing for your offensive language. When French people speak French, they don’t say, “pardon my English” when they want to cuss someone out.
So what’s going on here? Do the French have better curse words than we do?
Where Is It Illegal in the US for Men to Wear Strapless Dresses?
It all starts the same — you and your buddies are pounding down beers at your favorite bar, and before you know it, you’re running down the street in your girlfriend’s dress while your friends are passed out on the sidewalk. It may be fun to party real hard like this sometimes, but it’s actually illegal to replicate this scenario somewhere in the US… the dress part, anyway.
What Exactly Is the History Behind Mardi Gras?
After Hurricane Katrina devastated the Atlantic Coast in 2005, New Orleans, and the region as a whole, gained more prominence in the national and international news, and rightly so.