Are Bombs Coming to Bozeman Concerts?
I wonder how many people reading this who attended the Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert the other night would feel safe if the performance was tonight?
In case you’ve been completely off the grid, there was a bomb attack at a concert in Manchester, England Monday night that killed 22 and injured over 50.
Is there any reason that the same thing couldn’t happen in Bozeman, Montana?
Bozeman Crime Rate
If the police reports in the Bozeman (almost) Daily Chronicle are accurate, Bozeman has a pretty low crime rate for a town our size. But in the eyes of terrorists, does that make us a soft target?
How hard would it be to carry a backpack into city hall or the courthouse? No one would be standing at the door to question you.
Few would notice that you’re wearing a topcoat when it’s 90 degrees outside until it was too late.
The Manchester Bombing
ISIS took responsibility for the bomb blast in Manchester at a concert attended mostly by young girls aged 6 to 21, some obviously accompanied by parent or guardian.
Almost every day thousands of Americans attend baseball games, rock concerts, basketball playoff games, and NASCAR events.
Airports are packed with fliers; train stations and bus stations are full.
How many of us will ever feel safe in a crowd again?
Some Final Thoughts
The innocent and trusting America died along with the victims of 9/11. The world was forever changed.
We all seem to be too busy with our own hectic lives to pay much attention to others.
Few, if any, probably noticed the Manchester bomber much like few noticed the Boston Marathon bombers.
Our main focus is on the entertainment and our personal enjoyment. But our observation ends there.
The sad part about these horrific events is that we’ll only be diligent for a short time after — then back in our comfort zones.
Looking at our fellow citizens like they’re potential terrorists is no way to live our lives. But for now — it may be our only defense.
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