12.11.19 Morning Soapbox Rebroadcast
HOUR ONE: Vote in our KMMS Morning Soapbox Poll Question of the Day, “Have You Finished Your Christmas Shopping?” TOPICS: Local weather, road report and This Day in History plus, Montana Governor Steve Bullock Seeks Federal Disaster aid for 11 Montana counties for crop damage due to weather.
HOUR TWO: (Begins at 36.29) Lots of texts and comments on the Bozeman High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes fighting back against the LGBT movement to the school board. Also, lots of texts, calls and comments on the Horowitz IG report on FBI abuses. Greta Thunberg is Time Magazine Person of the Year. Tom and Shane comment.
HOUR THREE: (Begins at 1:17:02) 300 Saudi pilots grounded as result of recent shooting, a texter made the suggestion of all primaries should be on the same day. Why is oil sold below the price of getting it out of the ground? Shane explains. Lots of comments and texts on spying on the Trump campaign, Australian fires endanger the city of Sydney. Tom reviews the polls on impeachment — yes or no.
You can reach the KMMS Morning Soapbox with Tom and Shane 6am to 9am weekdays Mountain Time by calling 406-522-8255 during the show, use our new text line at 406-478-8298, or click the “App Chat” button on your AM 1450 KMMS app. Listen Live Online at kmmsam.com