Woman Accidentally Sends Photo of Nic Cage to Prospective Employer
There’s nothing wrong with loving Nicolas Cage (hey, we sure do). But when your appreciation for the notoriously eccentric actor starts creeping into your professional life, it might be time to admit you have a problem.
Case in point: a Canadian woman named Vanessa Hojda recently emailed York University in Toronto for a summer job. But instead of sending a cover letter and resume, she accidentally attached a wild-eyed photo of Cage. Panic ensued, of course.
I accidentally sent my potential future boss a picture of Nic Cage rather than my cover letter and resume, which was a zip file titled with a bunch of numbers like the jpg I accidentally attached,” wrote Hojda. “Oh my God.”
There’s no word on whether Hojda actually got the job, but, as several have pointed out, she certainly deserves it for this amazingly hilarious screw-up alone. After all, nothing says “trustworthy employee” like a maniacal photo of everyone’s favorite human/cat hybrid and potential vampire. Check out the hilarious email below.