Will Bozeman Voters Approve a New High School?
Education is the foundation of our society. The better educated we are the more successful America is.
However, not everyone sees it that way.
Over the years Bozeman has demonstrated by most measures that we currently have a very good school system.
But, a good school system costs money and buildings are just the beginning. And they can be very pricey.
But shouldn’t we provide the very best learning environment for our children?
On the Monday Morning Show both Brian Popiel, CEO of SWMBIA (Southwest Montana Building Industry Association) and Daryl Schliem, CEO (above) of The Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce were asked to comment on the possibility of Bozeman voters passing the new high school.
It’s Anyone’s Guess
Both guests came to the consensus that it’s anyone’s guess what the voters will say. Callers to the show said, paraphrasing in so many words, “We’re tapped out!”
Voters passed on the Law and Justice Center on the November ballot, but the high school will be on a mail-in ballot.
The question is: Will that make a difference?
Will a large return of mail in ballots favor passage of the measure or will it shoot down the new school with the same rejection voters gave the L&J.?
In the case of this type of ballot measure we don’t really have an accurate frame of reference to draw from.
Is the rejection of the Law & Justice Center a precursor of what will happen with the high school? Or, will students be treated to a new school and an automatic Bozeman sports rivalry.
How Will Parents Vote?
I would think that those parents who have kids in high school or kids that will be attending high school in the next few years have a vested interest in helping provide the best learning environment possible.
But will they vote yes?
Or, are the parents “tapped out” too?
Some Final Thoughts
Sometime in the not too distant future we’ll all be asked to decide on a second high school for Bozeman students.
This high school or the L&J will never be cheaper than they are today. But is that a reason to pass it?
Perhaps we will be able to afford it easier in five years than we can today.
As mentioned above, it’s anyone’s guess what voters will do on any given Tuesday.
How will you vote on a new high school when the time comes?