What Road Improvements Would You Like to See in Bozeman?
Before retiring I used to do a lot of traveling on Bozeman streets, calling on business clients.
All in all Bozeman is not a difficult town to maneuver around, but there are some spots I’d love to change.
Some of them are on the drawing board of the city and some are not. Here are a couple of roadway changes I’d like to see.
Traffic Control
While it’s a state road, I’d really like to see an arrow on Huffine and Ferguson. There’s one at Cottonwood for the Town Pump station but not one for Casey’s Corner.
Lot of accidents there.
I’d also like to see Ferguson go all the way though to Baxter rather than the current left turn down to Davis Lane and through that way.
And while we’re on Ferguson, make it four lanes all the way to Durston.
Next, we need a traffic light at Durston and Ferguson near the Meadowlark School. Traffic backs up bad there when school is out.
Why is Oak Street a 35 mph zone and one or two blocks over on Durston 30 mph?
The Peach and Rouse intersection is off-center, making it much harder to get through.
Don’t even get me started on that mess at the Holiday Inn and the Grandtree. Three sources of traffic trying to get into only one right turn lane if you’re heading to 7th Avenue. Not sure how to fix that one. Maybe of some kind of a light there.
Some Final Thoughts
Roads are always a bone of contention with commuters. There are always complications: weather, construction. Both are contributors in their small ways to make you late for work.
I guess there’s no real way to fix every street and pothole but we can dream a little can’t we?
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