What Do Montanan’s Do, IF They Don’t Ski Or Snowboard?
My parent's recently came for a visit. I won't lie, it was nice having them here. But they asked me something that I couldn't really answer. So what do I do? I ask the professionals.
What do you do for fun, if you DO NOT ski or snowboard in Montana in the winter?
Montana is known for mountains and with the beautiful mountains, comes skiing/snowboarding. So when I was asked what other things there are to do in the winter I was a bit stumped. We almost always have live music (which I love), I know we have the Bobcats that we support, but I am in a bit of a jam.
I went to this crazy thing that tells us answers...the internet, to see what the wise technology had to say. I guess I wasn't too surprised when the first three things where, skiing, snowboarding, and cross country skiing. You put those aside and other options were snowmobiling, snow shoeing, and live music. So I don't feel like I am too far off with my confusion, I mean I did know the things that the internet did.
I grew up in the coldest city in the United States, so I am no stranger to winter, snow, or cold! I am terrible at skiing, well the one time I went I dislocated both my knees, so there is that, but I am not opposed to learning to snowboard! It's worth a shot right?
Are there outdoor ice skating rinks here? I could ask the ever trusted internet, but I trust you guys more! Let me know if you have any tips, activities, or events that are a must try!