Veteran’s “Stand Down” Saturday At The Fairgrounds [AUDIO]
Gary Welsand and Jim Kaorth joined Mark Allen in the studio to talk about the Stand Down event happening at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds this Saturday June 16h from 9am-3pm. The event is in its third year and as always, Stand Down will provide services, food, and military gear to any veterans and their families in the area.
Veterans who stop by can expect to receive free haircuts, lunch, job search and resume assistance, blood pressure tests, sleeping bags, blankets, shoes, jackets, gloves, and haircuts. All items are first come first serve and are donated from the military surplus. Listen to the interview below to learn more about the history of the event and why it's called Stand Down.
They ask that you bring by a copy of DD214, Military ID, or VA card.
For more information you can call Jim at 582-9224
If you would like to volunteer call Gary at 587-7037
Thanks to the sponsors of the event:
MT Vietnam Veterans State Council
Osterman's Mini Warehouses
MT Military Vehicle Club
united Methodist Church
Lube Alley - Jim Robinson
American Legion Post 14 and Post 30
Wheat Montana
First Security Bank
Lehrkind's Coca Cola