Thor, the God of Thunder will Keep Bozeman Warm… Movie Review
"Thor: Ragnarok" has just opened in Bozeman and follows the superhero Thor. Thor is the God Of Thunder and fights evil with the other Avengers like Captain America, the Hulk, Iron man. If you are into comic books and super heroes "Thor: Ragnarok" is a great way to spend an afternoon at the movies.
Thor is searching for his father who has been put in an old age home on earth. Along the way, he finds out he has an evil sister and is captured and forced to fight on an alien world. If Thor wins he will get his freedom. His opponent turns out to be the Hulk who also got himself trapped on this planet.
Who will win Thor or the Hulk?
The film is lots of fun without making fun of superheros. You have to accept that superheros are real. Once you do that you are on for the ride of your life.
This is a great time for superhero movies in just a few weeks, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman , Flash and others will open in a big movie.
Check out this preview of the move "Thor: Ragnarok". It's a great way to have fun in the cold without going out side. A great movie on the Brascia scale of one to ten I give it a NINE.
Go see it.