These Clueless Montana Drivers Are Gonna Make Me Lose My Mind
Please tell me I'm not the only one that is on their last straw with this.
Every single day, I am driving along the lovely streets of Bozeman, along with a trip or two to Belgrade as well, and EVERY SINGLE DAY I have a driver behind me driving so close, I'm guessing they can see the eyebrow wax I so desperately need.
Now you may be saying to yourself, "maybe she needs to drive faster". Not the case. Whenever this happens, which as I said, is daily, I look down and I am always either going the speed limit or a few miles per hour over the speed limit. So that, my friends is not the issue. So what the heck is it?
If I am driving in town and am being blinded by your headlights and can't see your license plate, you need to back off my back end. There is no reason to see what song is playing on my radio because you have somewhere you just need to be.
A little "captain obvious"moment for you tailgaters. Nine times out of ten, you ridding my butt just to either cut me off, slow down in front of me and turn a block later, or (and this is my favorite) meet at the same dang stop light, makes entirely zero sense.
I have driven in many states, on many interstates and highways, and NEVER have I had such an annoyance as I do here.
Here is my assumption, and take it how you please, but my guess is these drivers who don't know that you should leave some space between your grill and my bumper, are from the city. A big city where everyone is bumper to bumper on their commute and this is perfectly normal.
Well, newsflash my friends, here in Big Sky Country, we have wild animals that will randomly test their speed and run out in front of us. In that case, the 4 inches you have given as "space between", won't be nearly enough.
So with all due respect, please...back the heck off.