Two weeks ago, Senate candidate John Bohlinger announced on the Talk Back show that he may leave the Senate race if Lieutenant Governor John Walsh is appointed to fill the position by Governor Steve Bullock. Kate Cholewa is the spokesperson for the Dirk Adams for Senate campaign and she says Adams will not follow Bohlinger's footsteps.

"One hundred new people started following us on Twitter, our total reach on Facebook is up 83.4 percent from last week, our post reach is up 70 percent, our 'new likes' is up 80 percent," Cholewa said. "We've seen nothing but good happening, we feel good about our financials; There's no way Dirk is stepping out of this race."

Bullock has scheduled an important press announcement to take place Friday,  February 7, at 10 a.m. Many believe that Bullock will announce his appointment to the U.S. Senate at that time.

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