HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Montana health officials say a teenager has died of a lung disease associated with a national outbreak of vaping-related illnesses.
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services officials said Tuesday that the teenager died of severe pulmonary disease, and is the state's first recorded death connected to e-cigarette use.
Officials declined to release any identifying information, including the name, age, sex or location of the person, citing confidentiality.
Department spokesman Jon Ebelt did not immediately return a call for comment and clarify when the person died.
Officials said in a statement they have identified two other people in the state with vaping-associated lung illnesses.
Federal health officials reported about 1,300 vaping-related illnesses and at least 26 deaths nationwide as of last week.
A temporary ban on flavored vaping products goes into effect in Montana on Oct. 22.

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