Protestors covered both sides of the intersection in front of ZooMontana on Wednesday morning, speaking out against the "Drag Queen Story Hour" event taking place at the zoo. I talked with folks on both sides of the debate, including a self identified transgender activist.
Rob Griggs: "Reading stories to children is one thing. Demonstrating and promoting overt sexuality (illicit or otherwise) while reading to the children is an entirely different issue."
It's happening here. Just days after shocking video surfaced of a drag queen event targeting children in Dallas, Texas- now a drag queen book reading event targeting children is taking place in Billings, Montana.
That's right, they defend the wolves, while muzzling the lambs- even as three different medical associations are declaring an emergency in mental health for our kids.
General admission tickets are $58 each and VIP tickets -- which include a dinner and silent auction at 5 p.m., reserved seats and access to an after show party -- are $138.
ZooMontana, a 70-acre wildlife park in Billings, Mt., is 140,00 dollars in the hole and facing bankruptcy if they can’t come up with the money.