As Montana grows, Montana changes - and that applies to voting districts, too. You are going to receive a new Montana Voter Registration Card soon, and even if you've lived in the same place for years, you might be voting in a new location in upcoming elections. Gallatin County alone increased its total number of precincts from 32 to 46.
Montanans will head to the polls soon to vote. We will be voting for people and issues, but what if you aren't a fan of the folks who are on the ballot?
If you're not 100% sure or if you've changed your mailing address, it's crucial to find out if you're registered to vote in Gallatin County. Here's everything you need to know and how to check.
The bottom line: Quentin Rhoades says the latest count included two additional boxes of votes that were not provided to them when they conducted their audit. Here's some of the basic questions he is now asking. Specifically, he wants to see the chain of custody documents. Full audio.
Here we go again. Another liberal judge who was appointed to the bench by a Democrat governor undermining our election integrity laws at the last minute.