
American College Student Chris Jeon Spends Vacation Fighting with Libyan Rebels
American College Student Chris Jeon Spends Vacation Fighting with Libyan Rebels
American College Student Chris Jeon Spends Vacation Fighting with Libyan Rebels
To most college students, a vacation means getting away from the stress of everyday life, with maybe a few palm trees and cocktails thrown in for good measure. But not to Chris Jeon. Last month, the 21-year-old University of California, Los Angeles math major packed up his bags, bought a one-way ticket, and went to Libya to fight with the rebels trying to wrest control from dictator Muammar Qaddaf
Woman’s Lawn Stolen While on Vacation
Woman’s Lawn Stolen While on Vacation
Woman’s Lawn Stolen While on Vacation
It’s natural to worry about things when you leave for vacation. Did I turn the lights off? Are the doors locked? Did I take the trash out? What you don’t worry about, however, is your lawn being stolen. Maybe now you should. Canadian Denise Thompson went on a short vacation over the weekend with her children and when she returned, found that every square inch of her previously lush, green grass ha