Will It Pass? Anything to do with the Law and Justice Center has left a bad taste in voter’s mouths. Will the fourth time be the charm? That’s anyone’s guess.
The city of Missoula says it's "not entering the monument business" but also says it will be "selling gravestones" and performing "inscriptions." Private sector businesses say the city is trying to make money after wasting taxpayer funds.
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Currently $1.36 trillion dollars in student loans are outstanding. Financed by US taxpayers. What’s the R.O.I. (Return on Investment) to those taxpayers?
Does that loan money come back in jobs created, new product innovation, or GDP (Gross Domestic Product) increases...
It’s said that those who refused to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. It looks like the president refused to learn from history that the nationalization of companies rarely work to the good of the public taxpayer.