Poppy's family realized she was too good for them, so Stafford Animal Shelter did what they always do, and became hero's to another beautiful Montana pet.
Are you looking for a lady that won't talk back, won't shed all over, and won't wake you up in the middle of the night to go outside and sniff grass pointlessly? Look no further.
You still have a chance to win Jason Lewis' new book, a $50 Pro Flowers gift card and also $1500 with the VIP Cash Code. Go Online and check it out. I will chat with Stafford Animal Shelter, The American Legion, County Commissioners, and Jennifer Bordy. Please join us.
A chat with Kris King at Stafford Animal Shelter after 7, will start things off. Tony Kolnik will be in at 730 to talk about some possible problems that the 4 corners Transportation Committee has come up with. At 8 we will talk to Representatives of the American Legion and their concert series. Our County Commissioners join us at 830. Then from 9-10 it's Jennifer Bordy.