While I did have other sources of investment income I set out to do some research on how other people were making money to supplement their retirement incomes.
I thought retirement was going to be relaxing. It’s not. There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. Bozeman needs more hours.
Retire at any stage in life regardless of age, education, societal status, or lifestyle by doing one simple thing — Realizing your value and capitalizing on it.
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OK Tom, if money should never be spent then how am I supposed to pay my bills? Well, how to do you intend to pay them in retirement?
You won’t be working or maybe you will if you’ve not prepared for retirement...
Life is tough and the world is tough. In real life not everyone gets a trophy. In real life they use red pens and they don’t care if they hurt your feelings.
If I could go back in time and change one thing in my life I would look harder at how to retire with a higher income and retire earlier and enjoy life more.