MT has some wild history and there was a lot of drama around Helena becoming the Capital. It was a rocky road that is filled with political jabs and 7 other cities.
Ah, the age old political habit of making big promises when a candidate is running for office. It happens everywhere, including Montana. Many of Montana's races are important on a national level, so the political promises are getting bigger.
It's incredibly easy. Parts of Montana are already a tinderbox for so many topics - housing, urban camping, politics, cost of living, etc. Throw in a chain restaurant with a significant political, religious, and social slant and you've got yourself an old fashioned screaming match.
If you want an instant reaction, all you need to do is say the name Donald Trump. The majority of Montanans voted for Trump twice, and now which towns he's most popular.
Politics can be a touchy subject here in Montana. Many residents are passionate about their choices, but is it time for a change when it comes to the President?