Successful businesses teach their employees the fundamentals that allow each transaction to flow through the sales and delivery process, with everyone doing their job seamlessly. It’s also working together as a team.
New business owners, and many that have been around for a while, often fail to understand, and capitalize, on customer thinking. The customer’s buying process has six basic steps.
Listening to the Cheers theme again, I wondered if Portnoy and Angelo realized they were also writing some pretty insightful business pointers. Follow their lyrics below and see if you agree with me.
Business owners often get so desperate they will accept input from anyone. The most important take away point from this article is to get the advice of people who are qualified to give it.
The hardest thing for business owners to do is turn responsibility over to others. No employee is going to give the business the same attention as the owner.
While facial recognition technology has been used to enhance security — for example, to spot known terrorists in crowds — it’s now poised to become the next big thing for personalized marketing and smart phones.