I guess I somehow missed the rule that says there is supposed to be an “etched in stone” percentage between hourly workers and CEO’s that can’t be violated.
Ever since the first business opened its doors, business owners have been trying to discover the secret that makes advertising work. So, have I finally discovered that secret?
Listening to the Cheers theme again, I wondered if Portnoy and Angelo realized they were also writing some pretty insightful business pointers. Follow their lyrics below and see if you agree with me.
Tom, I want to know, is it necessary to do advertising, promotion at the inception of the company? Or, afterwards, when the company starts making profits???
Payroll is usually the largest expense for most small businesses. While income goes up and down, payroll is a constant. The employee always knows what their check will be while the employer rarely does.
"It’s official; student loan debt exceeds debt owed on credit cards for the first time in history. If they have not already passed it, student loans will top $1 Trillion dollars soon. In addition, nearly $100 billion, or 10% of those, are delinquent."