
Montana Dems Busted for “Freezer Morgue” Fake News
Montana Dems Busted for “Freezer Morgue” Fake News
Montana Dems Busted for “Freezer Morgue” Fake News
Former Democrat Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney (D-MT), the Democrat candidate for Governor in the 2020 elections, and at least two other fairly prominent Democrats got busted for sharing fake news about a non-existent "freezer morgue" at the hospital in Helena.
If You’re Celebrating a COVID Death…You’re Sick
If You’re Celebrating a COVID Death…You’re Sick
If You’re Celebrating a COVID Death…You’re Sick
The Communist Chinese caused this global pandemic, and yet here we are- Americans are still fighting with fellow Americans. Our own government is deliberately dividing one American against another. Our own government is driving us deeper into bankruptcy, and states and localities are once again threatening the same mask mandates and lockdowns that didn't work the first go-round.