If you want to make some VERY COOL and spooky deviled eggs for Halloween, this is the recipe you need to see. How can such creepy appetizers looks so awesome?
Fall has arrived and with it comes the "cult of pumpkin spice." They want to pumpkin spice-ify EVERYTHING!
The other day I saw a box of pumpkin spice Twinkies. Dear Lord, enough already! Just make it stop.
I once wrote a false commercial to play on my radio show, pumpkin spice toilet paper. Tha...
Viewers of The Magnolia Network can catch Annie Starke, daughter of an 8-time Oscar nominee, in her show The Mountain Kitchen cooking and entertaining in the stunning Montana scenery.
If a good part of your life revolves around delicious food, cooking, new restaurants, and exploring recipes, these groups across Montana are tailored to your foodie side. Interestingly, the level of expertise you can find in this state is impressive and has come an awfully long way in recent years.
You are not alone. It seems that all of us have at least a few foods that we indulge in during the holiday season. My list is probably longer than most, and I'm OK with that.
Yes, yes. Some men are wonderful cooks who know exactly what they're doing in the kitchen. But those that require assistance, generally have good intentions and leave a large wake of dirty dishes.
Why is it that the most vivid childhood memories are from the kitchen? Some ingredients from my mom's recipes are to this day, crucial to my happiness.