Don’t Do It YourselfDon’t Do It YourselfThe time has come to hang up the Skill saw and tool belt and pursue other projects. I will miss all the hammered thumbs and cut fingers.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
What If Companies Submitted Their Resumes to You?What If Companies Submitted Their Resumes to You?When you walk in the door each morning to go to work — it is something special? If it’s not, then why not?Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Where Are The Future Jobs Coming From?Where Are The Future Jobs Coming From?Where are the jobs of the future coming from? Are we looking at the end of the middle class? Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Recession Ending Tips For Your Small BusinessRecession Ending Tips For Your Small BusinessIt would be great if the recession ends for everyone at the same time; but it just doesn’t work like that. Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff