Viewers of The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News found out on Wednesday that Bill O'Reilly, the 67 year-old anchor, had been fired over accusations of sexual harassment in the workplace.
The bigger the controversy the more gas was poured on the flames keeping the news story burning. Accuracy became secondary to being first with the story.
We talk every morning about the massive debt my country has. How on earth are we EVER gonna pay off a $17 trillion debt. We can't. And the citizens of this country are ready to explode out of frustration. The President just spends all his time blaming the Republicans for the shape were in as a country...
Glenn Beck is leaving Fox News but where will he go now? Watch this video clip of Beck on the O'Reilly Factor talking about what he wants to do next. He is hinting at more of a hands on approach as well as focusing on the youth. What do you think of his decision?