Update: North Dakota Teen Murdered for Being a Republican
A shocking story out of our neighboring state of North Dakota- a teenager is now dead after being run down in the street for being a Republican.
The murder suspect, apparently showing no remorse, argued against the bail set by the judge. He said he has “a job, a house and a family, things that are important to me.” Absolutely disgusting.
I first spotted this story from Jack Posobiec, the senior editor of Human Events, on Twitter.
Today a left-wing adult in North Dakota just straight-up murdered a teenager for being a Republican
As to the murder suspect arguing against his bail because of his family and his job, Rebecca Cole said via Twitter, "I’m sure his victim had a family and things that were important too."
According to the Grand Forks Herald, the murder suspect admitted to deliberately killing the teenager in a 911 call. He said he killed the teen because he believed the teen was part of a "Republican extremist group."
KVRR.com added this about the suspect, 41-year-old Shannon Brandt:
He was booked for DUI after testing above the legal limit to drive and has since been charged with two felony counts of criminal vehicular homicide and duty in accident involving death.
According to The Daily Wire, a Go Fund Me page has now been set up for the young man's family.
Ellingson’s loved ones set up a GoFundMe campaign to pay for his funeral and said his parents, Sheri and Cole, and his brother, Chase, are devastated.
“Chase and Cayler are the heart of Sheri and Coles life,” wrote Nicole Clifton Geiszler. “Unfortunately, in the early hours on Sunday, September 18, 2022 their lives changed forever. Cayler was taken way too soon from them and their other son, Chase. A thing no parent should ever have to endure in their life is to lose a child.”
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