MSU To House a Virtual Graduate Fair
There is a litany of incredible graduate programs many students can take advantage of and this is a great opportunity to learn more.
Montana State University announced that they will be hosting free virtual Graduate Fair for Thursday, September 29th and Friday, October 30th. Individuals from each graduate program will be hosting a meeting to talk about, describe and answer questions about some of the graduate programs Montana State University has to offer.
If you don't know Montana State University has an incredible list off graduate programs from Psychology, Earth Sciences, multiple Engineering choices, Nursing, Film and many, many others. One of the wildest parts is that not all of the graduate programs won't be at the fair, so there are even more future programs you could check out.
When I was growing up in Montana on the west side of the state, going to Montana State University was always never a thought(mostly cause I played college baseball and they didn't have a team) but they have so many incredible programs to choose from and get an incredible education. I don't know if you know this but Montana State has one of the best film programs in the country. I had no idea but that's pretty special.
This is a great opportunity for current or future students to see how they can further their education. There are a lot off options to look at.
If you want to see the full rundown of the meetings and what time they will be going at, check out Montana State University.