BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) - The Montana State University's athletic department is facing a budget crunch that has it raising ticket prices and asking the school for another $1.1 million to replace aging equipment, buy new exercise machines and stabilize the department's budget.

Athletic Director Peter Fields says even though athletics is bringing in more money than ever, in part because of an expansion of the football stadium, other costs such as travel, medical insurance and scholarships have risen rapidly.

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports season ticket prices are going up $30, or $5 per game, for the 2013 season and the cost of memberships in the Bobcat booster club is increasing by 20 percent.

MSU's Budget Council was scheduled to meet Tuesday to consider 104 proposals from all over campus for a share of $2 million.

Does it surprise you that the athletics department is in need of money? We are interested to read Bozeman's thoughts in the comments below.



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