Montana Allows Face-to-Face Sale of Certain Homemade Foods
New food safety laws in Montana went into effect this month. According to Foods and Consumer Safety Supervisor Ed Evanson, the new laws will allow new businesses.
"We are pretty excited about these laws," Evanson said. "The big one is the cottage food law: this allows a lot of people out of their home kitchens with a new business opportunity, to produce and sell low-risk, non-potentially hazardous foods."
The types of foods allowed include baked goods, Honey, Jams, Candy, Recombined Soup mixes, and Dried Fruit.
"The easiest way to think about it in general are sort of foods that don't need to be refrigerated. It used to be that you were limited to selling those foods at the Farmer's Market, bu this expands it to face-to-face sales in the State of Montana."
Those who wish to sell these goods will need to show their recipes to the local health department, Evanson assures that the recipes will remain confidential.