You don't have to look far to see an example of bad driving in Bozeman. Complaints about bad drivers are fairly common if you visit almost any social media platform. A new Facebook page has been gaining a lot of followers, and its main purpose is to point out some of Bozeman's worst drivers.

Bad Driver


Bad drivers and Bozeman seem to go hand in hand, just like peas & carrots. From running red lights to taking up more than one parking space, the city is full of drivers committing traffic violations and doing things that frustrate others on the road. Now, there's a Facebook page that's dedicated to capturing bad drivers in the act and sharing pictures online for the entire world to see.

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If you spend much time on Facebook, you may have seen the Bozeman Bad Drivers page. It's full of pictures and stories of drivers doing really stupid stuff. If you need a distraction during a hectic workday, the page usually provides a little comedic relief. There's dashcam footage, pictures, and a variety of other examples of bad driving around town.

The page may be dedicated to bad drivers, but the majority of the posts consist of pictures of bad parking. Primarily, people taking up more that one parking space. Before you head out on the road and do something dumb, just be aware of the fact that your actions might be captured and shared on social media. Hopefully, it inspires people around Bozeman to be better drivers.

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