When I first heard the 'Blue Bobcat Cup' song inspired by Toby Keith's 'Red Solo Cup' I was blown away. The video is bursting at the seams with fun song lyrics and loads of Montana State Spirit. Of course our rivals in the hills, The Grizzlies, think they have created a superior song and video titled 'Keep it Grizzly.' We bet them ours is better though!

How do we decide which is the best? We have decided to measure the contest two ways. First, is the total number of views each video receives on YouTube (both started at zero views on November 9th.) We have until kickoff on November 17th to get as many views as possible. Second, vote for your favorite video below. We want this to be a fair competition, so feel free to watch both videos if you haven't seen both but be sure to vote for the 'Blue Bobcat Cup' as your favorite!

I'm excited to see the victor but no matter what the outcome, both these videos get me pumped for Cat/Griz and make me proud to be a Montanan!

After you vote, remember to tell your friends, tell your family, tell your grocery clerk, tell your bartender, tell your hair stylist and Share on Facebook, share on Pinterest, share on Google+ and share on Twitter!

Keep it Grizzly

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