Greg Gianforte on China, Guns, House, AOC and More [Listen]
Montana Congressman Greg Gianforte (above) joined Tom and Shane on National Vietnam Appreciation Day. (Audio interview below)
Greg presented flags flown over the capital to two of Montana’s own Air Force Veteran Len Albright and Marine Veteran Harry Armstrong both received a Congressional award for their military service and their support to the local veteran community.
Gianforte also traveled to China and feels we are close to some kind of agreement. Tariffs were not put in place on March 1st as were previously planned. Greg Gianforte on China, Guns, House, AOC and More [Listen]The theft of intellectual property was also a topic of interest. China’s car sales are down in China.
Callers wanted Gianforte to comment on China’s position of soybeans and cell phones. Reciprocal trade practices were also discussed with the Chinese delegation.
We need access to Chinese markets for our farmers and other industries and they need access to ours.
How is it to work in the House of Representatives with Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and others? Greg fills us in
Gun rights are also a recent topic in the House which will not be passed by the Senate or signed by the president. Reduced spending by government was also a hot topic.
Green New Deal, gun rights, are becoming a part of the new radical house agenda. Listen to this informative interview below.