Early Warm Temperatures Reflect Little Snowpack Left in Montana – Rain Considered Last Hope for a Not-So-Dry Summer
Recent warm temperatures has put Montana snowpack at some of its lowest levels ever this April.
Since February, a slow decline in snowpack has settled to one of the lowest levels since 1980.
NBC Montana reports the low levels were a continuation of a slow decline that began in February, when warm temperatures meant Montana got more snow than rain across the state. Spring runoff, traditionally an April, May and June event, began last month in March.
Unlike 2014, late spring and the summer this year will not have much snowpack to rely on when the state experiences long periods of dry weather.
NBC Montana says forecasts from the Montana division of the National Resources Conservation Service aren't optimistic about making future gains to the pack. Without much to snowpack to melt, current NRCS forecasts have the pack melting before the end of June.
But as far as rainfall is concerned, Montana has been right on track this year, but with more rain than snow, the rain has to keep coming to replace what flows out through the rivers.