Daines Introduces Timber Innovation Act
Senator Steve Daines has joined a group of bipartisan Senators in support of a bill that would help accelerate research and development of tall wood buildings in the United States.
The Timber Innovation Act will focus on finding innovative ways to use wood in the construction of buildings above 85 feet in height or roughly seven or more stories.
“Innovative technology is creating new markets for Montana’s abundance of wood," Daines stated. "I’m proud to champion legislation that will create jobs in Montana by encouraging the increased use of wood in tall buildings, which is an exciting opportunity for Montana’s wood products workers."
The bill would also incentivize investment through the National Forest Products Lab and American colleges and universities to conduct research and development on new methods for the construction of wood buildings. And support ongoing efforts at the United States Department of Agriculture to further supper the use of wood products as a building material for tall buildings.