Congressman-elect Ryan Zinke,recently selected his D.C. office as part of a lottery with other incoming legislators.

Congressman-elect Zinke's new office is located on the first floor the Cannon House Office Building. For those who are visiting or would like to send mail to the Washington, D.C. office, use the following address:

Congressman-elect Ryan Zinke
113 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

"My door will always be open to hear the concerns of all Montanans. If you are in the area—stop by," said Zinke. "I want to be as accessible as I can. Throughout my campaign I said that we need to hold our elected officials accountable—including me, and I am going to make sure the voters of Montana have the ability and the access to do just that."

All mail will be held until Ryan officially takes office, which is tentatively scheduled for January 6th, 2015.


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