Breaking Through the Myths of Celiac Disease – Gesundheit! with Jacobus [RADIO SHOW AUDIO]
On Air show from May 25, 2013.
Did you know that May is also known as Celiac's Awareness Month?
This month focuses on the affects wheat and gluten can have on overall well-being.
Saturday on "Gesundheit! With Jacobus" Deb Wheaton and her son Jeremy, of Gluten-Free Prairie, were my guests. They shared basic information about Celiac, as well as new research, and some great practical tips that can be used in everyone’s kitchen.
Do not underestimate the importance of this program. I hope you will join me, as we can ALL learn from Deb and Jeremy Wheaton.
Segment 1
Jacobus introduces Deb and Jeremy Wheaton, owners of Gluten Free Prairie, to talk about Celiac disease and gluten intolerance. For more information visit or call 855-684-3711.
Segment 2
Deb and Jeremy discuss different symptoms of Celiac disease and gluten intolerance, as well as several methods of diagnosis. A caller asks about gout. For more information visit or call 855-684-3711.
Segment 3
Deb and Jeremy Wheaton talk with a caller about the neurological implications of Celiac disease. For more information visit or call 855-684-3711.
Segment 4
Deb and Jeremy get an email about the importance of discussing the genetic nature of Celiac disease with relatives. They also discuss more differences between Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. For more information visit or call 855-684-3711.
Segment 5
Caller Terrence again shares his views on the health benefits of soy sauce tea. Deb and Jeremy talk with caller Maria about genetic differences in modern wheat and various baking alternatives.
Segment 6
Deb and Jeremy talk about good emergency gluten-free foods, as well as the various gluten free products available from Gluten Free Prairie. For more information visit or call 855-684-3711.