Jeremy Taylor

Do You Use Coupons? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the bad economy and shows such as ‘Extreme Couponing,’ coupons should be as popular as ever. But how many people actually use them while shopping?

Do You Feel Like You Need to Upgrade Your Smart Phone to 4G? — Survey of the Day
Internet connectivity on cell phones has improved by leaps and bounds over the last five years.
According to experts it’s about to take another huge leap with the introduction of the iPhone 5, which is expected to run on Apple’s 4G LTE network.
Dogs Who Chase Their Tails May Suffer From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
When we see a pooch chase its tail, we tend to just dismiss it as a dog being a dog. But there appears to be more to this illogical canine behavior, as researchers from Finland have been able to link it to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

How Many Drinks Do You Have a Week? — Survey of the Day
According to a new survey from Gallup, 66 percent of adults drink alcohol, up from 64 percent last year.
But are these Americans who imbibe enjoying the occasional glass of wine or are they pounding beer after beer?
How Did You Meet Your Best Friend? — Survey of the Day
Sometimes best friends have an interesting story about how they met. Sometimes they don’t.
But, no matter what, to be best friends means you did meet at some point.

Do You Support a Manned Flight to Mars? — Survey of the Day
Mars is in the news these days thanks to the Curiosity rover which recently landed on the red planet. The goal of the six-wheeled robot is to find signs of life on Mars, and NASA also hopes that its 23 month mission will increase public awareness of the space program.
But will it rekindle interest in sending a manned mission to Mars?

Do You Avoid Olympic Results So You Can Watch the Events on TV? — Survey of the Day
The 2012 Summer Games in London presents a dilemma for Olympic fans in the United States.
How Much Do You Tip? — Survey of the Day
The rules of tipping in restaurants vary among nations and culture. In the United States, 15 percent is considered customary for average service.
However, a new ’60 Minutes’/Vanity Fair Poll 990 American adults has found that a good chunk of diners typically give more or less than that percentage.

Are You Frustrated By the Tone of the Presidential Campaign? — Survey of the Day
Ever since Mitt Romney all but wrapped up the GOP nomination earlier this year he and Barack Obama have been firing political salvos at each other. But despite tens of millions of dollars spent on attack ads by the Obama and Romney campaigns and their surrogates, the race appears to be a toss-up.

Does US Olympic Success Make You Proud to Be an American? — Survey of the Day
The Olympic creed begins “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part.”