Attorney General Tim Fox has filed a motion in Federal District Court to intervene in a Whitefish woman’s case against a Neo-Nazi blogger. The woman is accusing intimidation under Montana’s anti-intimidation law. The Neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin has challenged the constitutionality of Montana’s anti-intimidation statute, saying it violates his First Amendment rights.

“The people of Montana passed the Anti-Intimidation Act to prevent the type of intimidation and threats of violence alleged in this lawsuit,” Attorney General Tim Fox said. “Montanans have made it clear they support protecting each other from intimidation through the laws of our state. I took an oath to defend all laws passed by the people of Montana.”

The case against Anglin stems from a number of posts he published on his blog, The Daily Stormer, telling like-minded people to target Ms. Gersh, who is a Whitefish-based real estate agent. The troll storm by Anglin and his followers began after Ms. Gersh had an interaction with the mother of Richard Spencer, a alt-right leader who lived in Whitefish for a time. Montana’s anti-Intimidation statute was passed by voter-approved ballot initiative in 1996.

Neo-Nazis Protest Outside Skokie Holocaust Museum Dedication
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