AG Fox and State Attorney Announce More Missing Persons Training
There will be a second opportunity for missing persons training in October, this time in the eastern part of the state, according to Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and the state’s U.S. Attorney Kurt Alme.
Justice Department spokeswoman Anastasia Burton provided details of the additional training.
“On October 16th our office once again is partnering with the U.S. Attorney’s Office to offer missing persons training,” said Burton. “That training will be in Billings this time. It will be free and open to the public and we encourage anybody who wants to learn about how to report a missing person, how that entire system works to go ahead and register.”
Burton said there are two separate aspects of the training in Billings.
“We have two separate tracks planned,” she said. “One is for the public and one is for law enforcement,” she said. “Law enforcement attendees with receive POST credit. For the public, there will be opening statements and a welcome from Attorney General Fox and U.S. Attorney Alme followed by a presentation from an Amber Alert expert, and she’ll talk about Amber Alerts in Indian Country. They’ll also talk about why, when and where to report a missing person and what the next steps should be. That will be followed by a presentation on human trafficking and its nexus to missing persons. For the public, we’ll talk about existing databases and how to use them.”
The presentation will conclude with an overview of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Online registration is available by clicking here.
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