10 Items You’ll Need For a Successful Hunt in Montana
If you want to have a successful hunt in Montana, preparation is vital. Hunting in Montana is hard work due to harsh weather conditions and rugged terrain.
It's officially hunting season in Montana. General season for deer and elk starts October 22 and runs through November 27. The general season for antelope, bighorn sheep, and black bear is already underway. For more information on rules and regulations regarding hunting in Montana, click here.

Montana is home to a variety of big game animals, but if you want to harvest one this year, you need to make sure you have everything you need. As we head into winter and temperatures begin to drop, you don't want to get stranded in Montana's unforgiving wilderness without proper supplies.
You also need to be aware of private property lines and the different hunting units in the state. Hunting is also very physically demanding. You shouldn't underestimate the work required to fill your tag. If you're out of shape, it might not be a bad idea to head to the gym or go on a few hikes before the season starts.
Here's a good description of hunting in Montana from Upper Canyon Outfitters:
Hunting is tough, and hunting in Montana in particular presents a lot of challenges you may not have encountered before. The days are long, the weather is not always favorable, and you will get tired, uncomfortable, and perhaps discouraged – but you can’t let any of these things stop you from believing that you can achieve what you came out here to do.
It's true. Hunting in Montana requires a lot of work, and if you want to be successful, here are a few items that you need to take along with you on your hunt.
10 Items You'll Need For a Successful Hunt in Montana
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