Montana Motorcyclists Help Make Wishes Come True for Critically Ill Kids
Motorcycle owners across the state of Montana have been helping make wishes come true for critically ill kids through a program known as the Chrome for Kids Wish Fund.
"The Chrome for Kids Wish Fund grant works by people buying special motorcycle plates," said Montana Attorney General's Office spokeswoman Anastasia Burton. "We now have nearly $68,000 to give out in grant funds to help children who are chronically or critically ill and have certain wishes that their families can't fulfill for them."
There are all kinds of possible wishes that can be granted.
"The children's wishes can range from anything from a trip to a special theme park, or maybe a trip outside of Montana to see a basketball game or other sports game," Burton said. "The money can also be used to provide financial assistance, to make some kind of improvement in the quality of life for a critically ill child."
Right now, the attorney general's office is looking for children that deserve the grants, and for non-profit organizations that can help put the money to work. If you know the name of a child that could use the funds, submit a recommendation online to the Department of Justice Motor Vehicle Division administrator at For more information call (406) 444-3638.
Below are the criteria for grant applications:
(1) Only Montana-based nonprofit public or private corporations which have received IRS 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt designation and whose purpose includes assistance to chronically or critically ill Montana children may apply for a Chrome for Kids Wish Fund grant.
(2) Funds must be used to provide a chronically or critically ill Montana child a special wish. No more than 10% of awarded grant funds can be used for program administration by the applicant.
(3) Children’s wishes shall be determined by the parents or legal guardians of minor children in consultation with the child and an attending healthcare provider and may be of the following type: (a) a visit to a special place such as a children’s theme park or a city or metropolitan area to experience unique or different food, arts, education, entertainment, and culture; (b) a trip to participate in or observe a special activity such as a rodeo, baseball game, surfing, or other physical/sports activity; (c) financial assistance to provide improvement in the quality of life for the critically or chronically ill child as determined by the attending physician and parents/legal guardian; or (d) a special activity such as a birthday party or celebration of the child’s life as determined by parents/legal guardian.